
Faithful Readers Contest

I know everyone’s excited about the new! lower! prices on my ebooks. Well, I hope everyone’s excited about it. But I haven’t forgotten about the wonderful people who already bought my e-books and paid a higher price. What good does a sale do you, you ask?

Not much good, I admit. So let me help. It won’t help everybody, but it can’t hurt.

We’ll have a contest. It’s an easy one. Just leave a comment, or send me a message, or reply on Facebook or Twitter, or by email.

Tell me which e-book you bought (either Bridgebuilders or Moon Over Donamorgh), and which book you’d like to get for free. 

Let me make sure it’s clear: the only books that qualify you for the contest are Bridgebuilders and Moon Over Donamorgh. I’m afraid that Shipbuilder can’t count, because it’s always been $2.99. I’m trying to help out the folks who paid $4.65 or $4.99 for the other books.

SUPER CLARIFICATION: These are e-books ONLY. I can’t lower the price on the paperback. So the prizes for this contest are E-BOOKS, in the format of your choice.

Do you own ALL my books? You are awesome! THANK YOU! And don’t worry, I’m not leaving you out. I will ask you to be patient though. Go ahead and enter the contest. Tell me you bought all three of my books, and you’ll be in a special contest for the very first copy of Worlds Apart, when it’s published this summer. Please assure me that you’re over 18 years old. Worlds Apart is a bit naughty, and I don’t want your mom mad at me.

How long will the contest last? Mmmmm…, how about 2 weeks? You’ll have until March 28 to contact me with your request.

How many winners will there be? How about… EIGHT?

Two people will receive a copy of Shipbuilder.
Two people will receive a copy of Bridgebuilders.
Two people will receive a copy of Moon Over Donamorgh.
Two people will receive a copy of Worlds Apart.

You know, in order to have that many winners, we need LOTS of entries. Spread the word! Retweet, reblog, share on FB.

And thanks for buying!

4 thoughts on “Faithful Readers Contest”

  1. I’m lucky enough to own & have read them all. And since I’m part of Marlene’s critique group, I know World’s Apart will be AWESOME. Marlene is a talented writer and I’m drawn to her characters until I wish I knew what each were doing today. Anyone for a pint? That’s a unique talent. I urge readers to check out any of her books. You don’t have to be a sci-fi enthusiast, either. Her stories involve the heroics and frailties of human life.
    I strive to write my own stories in Marlene’s giant footsteps.
    Go forth and read. I know you’ll enjoy as much as I.

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